There’s an uproar in Israel’s charedi world. Rav Dovid Leibel, head of the Achvas Torah kollel network, gave a speech in Beit Shemesh that earned him widespread denunciations.
What was his crime? Let’s first note what it wasn’t. He didn’t observe that the rapidly growing percentage of the population that are in kollel are a cause of mass poverty and present a threat to the national economy. He didn’t argue that traditional Judaism requires a man to work, even in a lowly profession, rather then demand charity. Nor did he point out that the Sages required a man to raise his children to be able to support themselves, and thus the charedi education system should incorporate basic secular studies.
Rav Dovid Leibel simply said that if a person does want to work for a living, or to send his children to a school that provides a basic secular education, these are also perfectly legitimate choices.
By golly. Based on the reactions, you’d have thought he said that we all need to convert to Christianity.
HaPeles compared him to Lavan, “trying to uproot everything.” Yated Neeman furiously denounced him for rebelling against The Gedolim. They compared a parent choosing to send their child to a school with secular studies as being like a Nazi doing selektion and choosing to send a Jew to Auschwitz, “murdering” (sic) future Gedolim.
And it’s not only the most extreme charedim like the writers of Yated. An article on the Kikar Shabbos website, which is of course only read by charedim who have internet, earned 300 comments. Many were positive (including one person predicting that Rav Leibel will be looked back upon like Sarah Schneirer). But others were sharply negative, such as describing him as “poisoning the wells,” and citing Rav Edelstein z”l as saying that someone who teaches in a charedi school that offers secular education has lost his portion in the World-to-Come.
Just to reiterate: Rav Leibel didn’t say that all charedim should work or should give their children a secular education. Just that those who do so are making a legitimate choice.
Clearly, any attempt to reverse the charedi reform to traditional Judaism is going to be a big struggle.
"What's going to be?!" "This will mean the destruction of Torah!!" seems to be the go-to line in defense of current Israeli chareidi status quo, which is of course silly and ahistorical. (And, incidentally, it's not as if the current chareidi system is producing many gedolim, either.)
Somehow (a) the daati leumi, Anglos, Sephardim, and all other frum people in Israel, (b) virtually all American frum Jews (including in the yeshiva world), and (c) most of the Jewish people throughout our entire history somehow managed to work and be Torah Jews.
When I first saw this post in my inbox, I got excited. I thought *you* were going to be the one accusing people of committing murder for going to weddings
or questioning daas Fauci.
Alas, it turned out to be a rather benign analysis of what to make of the comments on Kikar Shaboss from a bunch of charedi commenters with irritating handles like מתי מבני ברק or נורמאלי who agree with Hapeles and Yated calling someone *else* a murderer. Oh well.
(To be clear, I happen to be vaccinated against Covid. I'm still alive, and am pretty sure I would be equally alive without the vaccine. I'm very much NOT interested in getting into a vaccine debate here.)