Strike 2! I'm not quite getting how your (mis)understanding of some anonymous 'Chareidi' speaker groping around for Dvar Torah material is somehow supposed to be proof that the 'Charedi approach to Judaism' is that 'is that Torah and mitzvos is all that counts, and hishtadlus is entirely irrelevant, and basically pointless and unnecessary'. Well, I heard of a speech from a MODOX 'rabbi' that Yetzias Mitzrayim never happened. And that the world is populated with reptilians who control humans with invisible strings. And much more kefira and nonsense.

Hishtadlus IS necessary but is pointless without siyata dishmaya. From following your blog for over half a year, it appears that you feel that hishtdalus is ALL that is necessary, and siytata dishmaya is 'fluffy spirituality'. That's why you feel that soldiers who are mechalelei Shabbos and boalei Niddos do more for the state than Talmidei Chachomim learning Torah.

But I have some bad news, doc! The Torah teaches us otherwise. Sefer Bamidbar is full of warnings that if people don't keep the Torah (such as Shabbos and Nidda) they will be expelled from the land and our enemies will be able to triumph over us. The Gemara in Bava Basra teaches us that Talmidei Chachomim learning Torah act as a protection, and thus Talmidei Chachomim are exempt from draft. Does hishtadlus play a role? Certainly! But it's highly questionable what you hope to gain from your hishtadlus when it is counterproductive, such as sending young kids to a morally bankrupt atmosphere. Maybe if you make Avi Maoz the Minister of Defense, more Chareidim (who aren't holding by protecting the country through learning Torah) will join the army ;) ....

I still find it EXTREMELY ironic that the modern day Misyavnim think that they represent the Chashmonaim. The Chashmonaim seem more likely to have been a combination of Ben Gvir and Yerushalmis rolled into one!!!!!

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In point of fact Greece is only indirectly involved with Chanukah. Our enemies more specifically were Hellenized Jews and Syrians. There was no Greek army per se, no Athenians, no Spartans, no Macedonians. Just a bunch of wannabee "Greeks." We're still dealing with wannabees of one kind or another today.

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Where is Dr Slifkin's retraction about vaccines? Top Israeli immunologist says they are dangerous....but Professor Slifkin will continue with his holy science charade.......


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"But what does Greece have to do with Chanukah? she asked.

Reminds me of the Baalas Tshuva born of an intermarriage whose mother didn't want her to know anything about Judaism and whose father simply didn't know anything. Somehow she ended up in a Baalas Tshuva seminary but was unfortunately the most ignorant. Everyone else knew about gefilteh fish, the Pesach Seder ... at least something. She new nothing but her friends patiently helped her out.

Then once in a class the word "Yom Kippur" came up. She called out, "oh, I know what that is! That's the name of a war."

Funny and sad at the same time.

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Deer RNS - How do rationalists deal with the Oil Miracle ? Do they admit a supernatural event occurred ? Do they attempt naturalistic explanations ? ACJA

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I receive these posts by email to rationalistjudaism@substack.com. However, in the email, I don't see the pictures/graphics. For that, I have to open the post on the web. My mail software is Microsoft Outlook. And it is not because I have to tell Outlook to download the pictures. Anyone else have the same problem?

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