Instead Give to MDA, FIDF, United Hatzalah, One Family and Lema’an Achai and many other worthy organizations helping people in this time of crisis.

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I'd recommend the last two in your list.

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Wow, $20M/“godol”… That’s more than many professional athletes command… Quite an ambitious schnorring goal.

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Well they are the top L(earners) in their field

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They should put the statistics on their "gedolim cards"

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There is not that kind of money in America from the frum community. Keep in mind all the other causes the giverim are obligated to give to.

They will come here, raise say 10-20 million and claim they hit their goal (just like every other organization claims - when they make these huge goals) I was involved with 2 organizations that reached maybe a quarter of their goal, but made big claims they reached their numbers!! B"H. All goals do is make the "giver" think he was part of something big., and the bigger the goal, he thinks I was involved in a bigger thing. Think about it - do you know any organization that claimed they did not reach their goal??

After they come, they can rent the Javitz center, hold a large celebration, with the "all star singers and dancers" etc. all the while wasting more precious Torah time, endangering the entire IDF. Go Figure!

Even if they raise 100 million it is a small percent, to what they take. The Israeli Government claims they take to the tune of way over a Billion $.

Think of it - 50,000 Avrechim chevrah protecting Israel and all the Jews in the world, while It cost the Israeli Gov't a billion $ - that is just $15,000 per each "Avrech Protector". So what will a one time shot of 100 million (even if they can get it) do for the larger picture. Or maybe these 5 top Rosh Ha'Yeshivas show up here every two months and keep doing his 100 million thing each time,. Lets all sit back, relax and wait and see....It wont be long till they have their hands out again to the Israel Goverment and the Israeli tax payer.

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The real reason the Charedim won't join the IDF:

Vayakhel [dot] com

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The real reason Chareidim won't join the army:

Vayakhel [dot] com

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Judging from the comments in Yeshiva World it doesn't seem that the Gedolim are going to be all that successful. Haredi Jews in the US are not subsidized and pay high costs for housing as well as education. Personally, as a grandfather of Israeli haredi children, I find it extremely opressive that, in the words of one my granddaughters, 'the boys don't learn x's and y's" in school. I am grateful that my boys have taught themselves English as well as "x's and y's" (although spelling leaves much to be desired).

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That was an eye-opener, all right.

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What about leaving Israel and stopping learning Torah?

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