So, The Gedolim (TM) are going to the US to raise $100 million for charedi yeshivos and kollels. Unfortunately, we've gotten to a situation whereby the absolute greatest kindness that philanthropists in the US can do for the charedi community is to NOT give them money. Only by crashing will the charedi leadership realize that they have to take responsibility for their own community, let alone for the country. Which means encouraging people to get a secular education and to work for a living.
The longer that this painful realization is delayed, the more crushing it will be when it eventually comes - both for the charedi community, and for all Israel.
Instead Give to MDA, FIDF, United Hatzalah, One Family and Lema’an Achai and many other worthy organizations helping people in this time of crisis.
Wow, $20M/“godol”… That’s more than many professional athletes command… Quite an ambitious schnorring goal.