thank you very much

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All great and worthy causes.

Another idea: There are many groups / organisations doing their utmost to get hold of additional equipment for soldiers and send directly to them. I spoke to several soldiers to ask them what it was that they would most appreciate and their answer in each case was equipment. There are better armour, helmets, jackets out there that any soldier who gets is so happy to have and it can really save their lives!

I have been trying to help out via one group and the main issue seems to be supply as obviously anything in Israel has been sold out already. But the group is working on getting supplies in from abroad and when they locate supplies.

I don't want to share the direct links to any of the groups I have been given as they are all small individual groups or just bank details which obviously people shouldn't just send cash to without doing due diligence. But I assure you these groups are legit, I was given them by either front-line soldiers themselves or in some cases their spouses. They know the exact soldiers that are receiving the gear.

My suggestion - speak to any front-line soldiers you know (or their spouses / parents) and ask what it is that they want the most / what organisation is helping them the most and then send maximum support there.

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might want to switch the Magen David Adom link to this one...Michael bloomber is doubling all donations:


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Thanks so much for the post.

I just posted the letter on my facebook page.

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You could have posted links to donate without putting down the urging for prayer even if you feel it should have been stated in other words.

Seriously, you do this kind of thing all the time and it's disgusting. YOU, yes YOU are a constant source of hate among your people. So many see you for what you are. But you can still turn around, there is still hope as long as the candle burns....

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There are probably few more persistent critics of Slifkin than myself, but he didn't put down the urging for prayer in this particular post. He just shared some helpful information about some other ways in which we could be of assistance. If you cry wolf *every* time, even when unjustified, nobody will take you seriously.

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"I saw a mailing go out to people in the US, telling them that they don’t need to feel frustrated at an inability to do anything, because they can pray.

Prayer is important and welcomed. But that’s not the only thing that people in the US can do."

This is classic Slifkin finding fault in some good thing...no its not good...because they said just prayer and it's not just prayer...Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Nobody wants continuous fault finding from a frustarted nag. People see you for what you are. A disgruntled angry negative person. At least during war time try restraining the negative hankering.

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He’s doing god’s work. Helping to channel people’s anxiety and helplessness into action. And there’s no better cause than raising money for that. I’m reaching out to all my US friends and doing the same and have raised over 10k. We’re directly involved in procuring food, clothing, chargers etc and giving directly in the hands of soldiers headed to the front line to fight for our lives. And that takes money. So yes pray all you want but open up your wallet and help am Yisrael destroy this evil

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Yes...yes you speak very well.

My point wasn't to put down tzidakah...G-d forbid. It's a fantastic mitzvah especially now.

My point however is made very clear. Its about the search for finding fault thats disgusting. Tzidakah can be raised without highlighting how some letter got it wrong when they only urged to pray.

Granted if a normal person wrote that...we might view it as constructive criticism...not here. No way. He looks for fault...and it's a terrible time to do it.

I wouldn't dream of putting down tzidakah now. But he like usual didn't urge people to help in a nice way...it was in an annoying put down way... as usual.

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Stop Levi. If a normal person wrote it… דן לכף זכות! It’s actually really hard not to in this case

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That's literally what I wrote. If a normal person - without a history of constant negativity - made the same points...we should be Dan Likaf Zchus.

But here it's the usual mud slinging. It becomes "it's not just prayer". Those people who urged for prayer, and rightly so, got it wrong.....right? How about, they spoke well, but here is something else?

There is a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this. And he is doing it, like so often, in the wrong way.

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Constructive criticism is not "...fault finding from a frustrated nag".

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If it was someone else who wasnt constantly fault finding, you might be right to give them the benefit of the doubt.

But Slifkin is always at it...mining for some little thing that he can harp at.

If anything he should try giving others the benefit of the doubt. I haven't seen this letter, but if it said not to worry that you can't do anything because you can always pray....thats nice!

What the heck is he complaining about? Oh, they didn't include other things ...OK so they didn't. So you add what was missing.

It's the constant digging for problems that is repulsive.

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You are vile, sick and perverted and for God’s sake I don’t why he hasn’t banned you at a time like this.

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I'm not the one cursing like a sailor, sir. Don't have a heart attack.

I am upset about a very wrong approach especially now.

The method of always highlighting the bad in the good is very wrong, especially now. That's all. And it must be said.

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This is what bothers you at this hour of our need Levi? Are you aware of what’s happened and what’s going on?

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I am responding to his negativity. During these times he shouldn't harp like that. Anyone urging anyone to pray is commendable.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Levi -- Your post is (a poor attempt at) comedy, right?


If not: Pot, Kettle, Black.

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this is really silly. i was shocked there were so many comments on this simple practical post. i thought the first line was a cute hook which writer often use.

thanks Natan for not answering back, הנעלבים ואינם עולבים should be a zchus

please let's come together as our siblings are being held in captivity and keep our eyes on the ball

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Where is the" put down"? RNS merely indicated that it is not true that the only thing you can do is pray. You are sensitive to this because it reflects a mentality that emphasizes spiritual action and downplays physical and practical action. Don't you think it at least reflects this mentality? It probably is an innocent call to prayer. But at a time when media and communities

are sending food ,clothes etc.to say only prayer will help is a bit strange.

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If it was coming from somone else, you might be right. Here it is par for the course.

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It's sad how dark your heart is.

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David’s heart is in tune with suffering of am Yisrael. I May have expressed it differently Levi but the sentiment would be the same

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