How about publishing a book about maintaining grudges and not moving on with life?

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Are you kidding, no comprehensive study on Torah and Work? Yechezkel Fogel long ago wrote (המלאכה העבודה והאומנות במשנת חז"ל (ולאורה של ראשונים ואחרונים over 400 packed pages. (Fogel was one of the pioneers of Charedi education, and was/is the director of the Charedi college in Kiryat Ono.)

I would stick to the animals. You have no special expertise on subject of Torah and work, and be real, your well known bias on the subject automatically renders null anything you would have to say. It would be ignored by all but a few in the choir. By contrast, you did an outstanding job on the encyclopedia, this is clearly where your true passion lies, and you obviously have more knowledge and experience in this area than most others. Get Volume II completed and distributed first, then the Hebrew version, then the smaller related items you seem interested in, and then go from there.

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Your patience is endless with these comments.

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If you do write a book about Torah and work, I hope it's a little better researched than your last piece! Maybe hire a ghostwriter this time.

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It's only in your mind that you've proved me wrong.

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"It's only in your mind that you've proved me wrong."


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Ok, glad you think so. It was only in my mind and in the minds of a bunch of random people who reached out to me directly expressing incredulity at how little you seemed to know about the topic. But keep walking around with your eyes closed. One benefit of beginning to charge is it may help seal the echo chamber and weed out those annoying Charedi trolls who actually bring another perspective to the table! But for your own sake, please do consider my suggestion of hiring a ghostwriter. I can even recommend some very learned avreichim who would be perfect for the job!!😂😂😂

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Actually I'm very grateful for your presence here. For several reasons.

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Aww, shucks! How sweet... 😊😊

And what a gracious host you are!😉😉

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

Come on Natan. Both you and we know how lucky you are that the vast majority of your new community have 0 idea how to learn either shas or poskim. I guess that's the plus side of being anti the yeshiva world. None of your followers have any idea when your speaking absolute nonsense. Seeing that you have actually learnt in Yeshiva I can only imagine deep down you realize how absolutely you got eviscerated in that halachic discussion with mechaker.

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LOL, if you only knew who reads my blog and agrees with my positions... keep on enjoying your bubble.

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Seeing that you are incapable of ANY introspection regarding YOUR own community it would appear that YOU are the one living in a bubble.

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HUH?? I have been reading this blog for half a year and there has never been a single post about flaws in the MODOX world! One post in the last 5 years which was really about one specific DL person (who's political party just incidentally was on the same side of the fence as the Chareidi parties and not the anti-religious Lieberman-Lapid block that Natan was promoting) does not really amount to anything!

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Ah I apologize for saying any. I'm relatively new here and there seems to be an over 90% batting average on problems with the Charedi community. I stand corrected if you have been writing as many articles on the modox community which I am sure you will agree is currently facing (at least equally) incredible existential problems.

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Indeed it seems I was incorrect. I apologies for saying any. Having only been reading since you joined substack the appearance has been that you have a well over 90% batting average for real or perceived flaws in charedi society. I assume I will be reading similar articles regarding the (at least equally threatening) existential problems facing the modox community very soon.

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You should have continued hatzlacha

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My vote is for "Volume II of The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom".

Volume one was amazing and I would really wish for the next one in this series🙏.

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Some explanation of the halachic Torah terminology used would useful to those of us who while enjoy your blog, but are less educate, would be useful and encourage us to pay.

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I would love an exhibit book of the exhibits at the Museum for those of us who cannot make it there. (Sort of like the Ark book, but covering everything.)

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Interesting. I have actually been toying with such an idea. I'm just concerned that people will then not bother to actually visit.

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Ask the advertising community. Maybe a book but not with everything; for that you'd have to come to BMNT. What do other museums do?

(And much Hatzlacha to you!)

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The book would not stop visitors to the museum. However, the director's politics might. That might be viewed as a shame, but it is nonetheless a reality, and in any event, nothing those on the left can complain about.

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"the director's politics might... but it is nonetheless a reality"

Who cares about a museum director's politics? And all the Chassidim are coming anyway.

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Don't be naïve. Disney's shares are down 40% and their CEO is in damage control mode because of who cares about their politics.

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It would actually almost certainly be a great piece of advertising for the museum and increase customers. Look at the Harry Potter exhibit books.

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Rabbi, I am a fan and long time reader of your content. After hearing how these important projects are languishing I would recommend changing formats.

With minimal effort you could be producing content via youtube/podcast that would open you up to a much larger audience (it can even be automatically transcribed for blog posting)

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Donated yesterday. I've only heard good things about the museum. Wishing you continued hatzlacha.

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Project Suggestions:

- Biblical and Quranic Museum of Natural History, Dubai

- Col. Slifkin's RBS Fried Locust fast-food truck at WEF and G20 conferences

- Daas Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom Volume 1: Rabbits, Platypuses and Deer (Bucks only, no Doe photos)

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Please check out my substack, particularly the Bible Critics post.

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