That's what happens when you appoint 18-year-old girls as army commanders!

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19. She spent a year in Midrasha.

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Anything in the instruction of new recruits about the Damascus blood libel and other 19th century massacres of the Jewish community of the Levant? The problem with basing the case for Israel on what Europe did to the Jews is that nothing that Europe did can counter the response, "yes Europe did nasty things to the Jews, but why should the 'innocent' Palestinians pay the price?" Calling attention to what Islam did to the Jews, particularly in the Levant, demonstrates that the Palestinians are not so innocent.

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Very amusing tale. I was less amused by "surprised my wife and I".

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I wonder how many kids are noled in that ambatya

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This is funny.

Is your daughter ok with this being written? She may find it embarrassing.

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I doubt that any man would think that אמבטיה means מקלחת or אמבטיה literally. It takes a woman to lead 15 soldiers to hide in shower stalls. This isn't very funny.

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It’s not often you get to see a self refuting argument. Or are you a woman?

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

You have a point, lol. What idiot would let a 19 year old 'comander' lead him to hide in the shower stalls? I'm surprised that all 15 soldiers followed her. Whatever she teaches them, it's not critical and rational thinking.

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More to the point, what idiot would reply to such an obviously stupid comment! (That's a self confirming argument for anyone interested)

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Good critical and rational thinking! Was a pleasure hearing from you.

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I'm curious. Why don't you have your own IDF tales? Why don't you volunteer/serve - at least in miluim?

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Glad you acknowledge that..... דרכו של איש לעשות מלחמה ולא אשה 

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Gosh why would you embarrass her publicly in reporting this mishap to your readership?? It wasn't bad enough for her the first time to be a laughingstock?

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She was very happy for me to post it, she has an excellent sense of humor.

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A truly enjoyable posting. I'm reminded about when I was drafted into the IDF when I was 40 years old!! This was, of course, back in the 80s when we did miluim until age 55. We were all olim from many different countries. I remember our mifaked, an 18 to 20 year old officer originally from France. He had difficulties dealing with all of us "older" folks while we had difficulty taking that young commander seriously. I definitely understand why your daughter isn't addressed by her name.

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Waiting for a response to the article in Mispacha Magazine by it's publisher Eli Paley on the topic of Judicial reform.


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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Thanks Inquire for sharing! I just learned from Mr. Paley that antipathy towards Chareidim is engendered by left-wing politicians and has little-to-nothing to do with the actions of Chareidim themselves, including due to COVID...

"Every fire needs fuel, and this one is no exception. The fears of the secular public have been fed by years of obsessive incitement and libel by any number of radical elements, including opposition leader Yair Lapid and Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman. They and their allies have gained huge political capital by presenting the chareidim as agents of chaos in Israel society, as a cadre of primitive and backward parasites who pose a deep threat to the secular public.


The steady flow of incitement is the reason why secular Israel’s hostility toward the chareidi sector has grown, even as the country has become more Westernized and more liberal. These sentiments were widely manifested during the Covid crisis, when secular writers and influencers publicly fingered chareidim as “disease vectors.”"

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Query whether meaningful dialogue can be had where one side isn't willing to recognize its shortcomings and rake personal responsibility for its actions.

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I think you and your readership will get a kick out of the following https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/?p=2172902

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Starting off in a command position? She has a bright future!

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If command position means teaching Zionism to Russians, I wouldn't be so impressed.

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What it means is they've tapped her as having the qualities that would make a good senior noncom or officer some day. And that's nothing to sneer at even if the initial assignment isn't a sexy one like fighter pilot

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They asked her to join officer training but she declined.

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Why is she not allowed to let them know that she knows English fluently and why are they not allowed to know her name?

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If they know she knows English, they will speak to her in English and not learn Hebrew.

They are not allowed to know her name because of "distance".

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There is nothing as funny as idf service. Nothing.

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Have a niece dentist who just did basic training to work as an army dentist. Basic training is as full of strange tales as fleas on a dog's back.

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