“This is something which I have learned to very much appreciate about the Dati-Leumi approach to Torah in general, and that of Rav Melamed in particular. It’s very much about not just learning Torah, but living Torah; putting it into practice in the real world, just as originally intended.”

There is always the option of learning Torah AND living Torah, which is best exemplified by the Chareidy communities who take Halacha seriously. They take all sorts of halachos the DL community has decided is out of vogue, and put them into practice in the real world - just as originally intended.

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"They take all sorts of halachos the DL community has decided is out of vogue, and put them into practice in the real world - just as originally intended. "

A rather broad audacious claim? And yet no specifics.

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The point is to reinforce their undeserved sense of their own importance and superiority

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I mostly agree, besides before the two letters before “deserved”.

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The Charedim are violently opposed to truth when it disagrees with dogma, productive work, humility, and so many other virtues. They "live" a self-serving egotistical parody of Torah

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A rather broad audacious claim? And yet no specifics.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

I recently asked my Chareidi Posek if I make a brachah on the Ocean even if I live 5 min away if somehow I missed a month. He responded "Chazal said it is beautiful and they were מתקן a Brachah, say it". If it was just to fit the spirit of things, maybe we should make a ברכת המזון after a full steak? There got to be guidelines.

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I bet you saw two million bats.

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Obviously a southeastern Asian bat cave where famously millions of bats come out at dusk to seek out insects and are themselves rated by snakes and raptors

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We should recite a special Baruch meshaneh habriyot brucha when we marvel on at the sight of an ostrich, emu and other flightless birds. After all Hashem must have something extraordinary in mind when he created the evolutionary mechanisms to befuddle the minds of evolution deniers to ponder these puzzling creatures, along with male vestigial nipples.

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The answer to flightless birds, male nipples, vestiges etc is in Sanhedrin 39

א''ל כופר לרבן גמליאל מי שברא הרים לא ברא רוח שנאמר {עמוס ד-יג} כי הנה יוצר הרים ובורא רוח אלא מעתה גבי אדם דכתיב ויברא וייצר הכי נמי מי שברא זה לא ברא זה טפח על טפח יש בו באדם ושני נקבים יש בו מי שברא זה לא ברא זה שנאמר {תהילים צד-ט} הנוטע אוזן הלא ישמע ואם יוצר עין הלא יביט א''ל אין א''ל ובשעת מיתה כולן נתפייסו א''ל ההוא אמגושא לאמימר מפלגך לעילאי דהורמיז מפלגך לתתאי דאהורמיז א''ל א''כ היכי שביק ליה אהורמיז להורמיז לעבורי מיא בארעיה

I.e., as a correction to ח"ו ב' רשויות.

The ב' רשויות camp had gone so far to claim that ב' רשויות partnered in one(!) body. Surely in all cases of separate bodies. But professional evolutionists can't see past their .... and they get The Great Western Herd to follow them.

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@Don Coyote

Let me understand your argumentation correctly. You’re employing a 2000 year old unscientific, ancient debates between talmudic sages and Roman emperors, invoking mythical gods of good and evil to justify disbelief in evolution?

And that explains flightless birds and male vestigial nipples?

I suppose if you’re wedded to ancient mythology, holy adages and proverbs, no scientific explanations are worthy of consideration.

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I didn't expect you to understand it correctly. (I tagged it to your comment for others' benefit regarding a popular 'proof' for evolution.) Chazal also dissuade us from engaging heretics. There's a trade off between כ"ש דפקר טפי & enlightening אחים בדעה. Hopefully עדיף שכרו מהפסדו.

Evolution has 'scientific' proofs--fossils--and 'philosophical' proofs--why would a Creator...? Nipples etc. fall into the second category and aren't worth much attention.

For those who like 'typical Yeshivish', they aren't קושיות but שאלות.

But if someone pushes us, we can take Sanhedrin 39 out of the back pocket. Evolutionists live in their modern binary bubble, Christianity & them. But actually creation was done to counter also polytheists. Why so much commonality among the species? Hello, to counter polytheism. That, in short, and even you might be able to get it, is the message of Sanhedrin 39.

But this message too isn't for you but for others.

PS I don't do homework for others without a fee.

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@Don Coyote

It’s predictable that you would report Chazal’s hesitance to engage heretics. After all, when you can’t offer a logical response to the science, just throw in some Talmudic/ yeshivish inapposite jargon to anesthetize thoughtful consideration of the evolutionary science.

As for the message of Sanhedrin 39, the message in your mind is as imaginary that the protest against polytheism is any more bona fide than the belief in monotheism. The Gemara simply related a debate between Talmudic sages and Roman officials, which of course placed the sages’ beliefs beyond question. I suppose asserting that creation was effected to counter polytheism is as good a response as any other mythical invention.

Ultimately, despite your meaningless response, you haven’t illustrated why God would create winged flightless birds and male vestigial nipples.

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Have a good day.

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What beracha should we recite when seeing the incredible wisdom of Uriah's Wife's comments? Or even when we see the wisdom of Rabbi Slifkin's posts, which, although they don't rival the wisdom of Uriah's Wife's comments, are still pretty incredible in their own right?

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שלא עשני אשה of course!

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A ברכה לבטלה?

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That’s easy. For me simply recite:

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם מתיר איסורים

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Maybe "shechalak mechachmaso lirayav", but definitely "SHENASAN mechahmaso lebasar vedam"

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@Weaver, thanks for the reference from Ohr Hachaim in Yisro from back a few posts. I eventually got to find it and see it.

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Sure - it's a great source.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

Beautiful, inspiring article! This is the Natan I love!!

I guess wildebeests? Right time of year for their epic migration...

I did a science project on them in 6th grade:)

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Wildebeests in S.E. Asia? Go back and review your 6th grade project papers

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Oh! I missed that line in the beginning; if Natan meant that he saw it there, I retract.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

O, I see AL beat me to it, credit to him (if I'm right)

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I would guess lemmings?

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Sheep. You couldn't fall asleep.

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Bats at twilight

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Perhaps Rabbi Slifkin would be able to give his opinion about Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef's shiur a few years ago, where he said that the berachah of משנה הבריות on seeing a כושי doesn't refer to a person naturally born with dark skin, like someone with two African parents, but on a mutation, like albinism (which also merits the berachah משנה הבריות).

(The media distorted what Rabbi Yosef said, twisting it to mean that a black person is like a "monkey". I'm sure no one at the shiur understood him in that sense. It was clear that he was talking about something unusual.)

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Yitzchak's intention was quite clear regardless of your weak attempt at spin. And, of course, it was much more in keeping with his father's Ovadia's many offensive and bigoted statements towards women, arabs, and gentiles.

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I take it that you didn't actually listen to the lecture in Hebrew, but just relied on how the media reported it.

Here is a transcript:

כזכור, במהלך שיעורו השבועי בחודש האחרון דיבר הרב יוסף על עניין ברכת 'משנה הבריות' ואמר: "הרואה בריות משונות, מברך 'משנה הבריות'. רואה כושי, מברך עליו 'משנה הבריות'. איזה כושי? שאבא ואימא שלו לבנים והוא יצא כושי".

הרב יוסף הוסיף: "אתה הולך ברחוב באמריקה, כל חמש דקות תראה כושי, תברך עליו 'משנה הבריות'? אלא צריך שיהיה כושי שאבא שלו ואימא שלו לבנים. אם אתה יודע, יצא להם בן קוף, יצא להם בן ככה – אז תברך עליו 'משנה הבריות'. אז מה תגיד, צריך שיהיה שני כושים? לא, אלא זו דוגמה שהגמרא נתנה, אז (כך) גם כאן באילנות".


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Question for Natan: If you could do any mitzvah without getting rewarded, what would it be?

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For a great shiur on the topic -- and whether to say a beracha over Shaquille O'Neil, check out https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/938868/rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz/from-the-rabbi-s-desk-beracha-on-shaq/

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wildebeest ?

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Bats coming out at night from caves.

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Butterfly migration

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