Thankfully, The Hat doesn't seem to have figured out how to use Substack yet. : )

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How about "Deweaponize the Palestinians". The other Arabs weaponized them in 1948 to use to destroy Israel. That's why they were kept in refugee camps and not assimilated. It didn't work.

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That isn't really true. After May 15, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs played only a minor role in the conflict, as the regular armies of Egypt, TransJordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, and some units from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, took over the fighting. They weren't interested in a Palestinian Arab State; TransJordan would annex the area it seized and Egypt set up a puppet government to have nominal sovereignty over Gaza.

Israel and Jordan gave full citizenship to everyone who was on their side of the armistice lines after the war. No other country did. And because of the *jus sanguinis* citizenship laws of every country in the Middle East (including Israel), the great grandchildren of the 1948 refugees are still stateless refugees.

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This is foolish as the vast majority of the "palestinians" support Hamas and other terrorist organizations and support terrorism against Jews and Israel.

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I can't imagine anybody who would be convinced by such an infantile, patronizing slogan. It's the same as "Free the Jews from Jewish leadership!" or "Free the Jews from Jewish ideology!" And you can be sure it would go over just as well.

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There is a space on Quora entitled "Palestine Today", which is rife with anti-Israel libels and propaganda. One righteous gentile created the space "Fact Checking Palestine Today", where contributors can take a "Palestine Today" post and debunk it.

There was one "Palestine Today" post saying that Israel is an apartheid state. I copy-pasted the original post on "Fact Checking Palestine Today", and then debunked it. The funny thing is, some virulently anti-Israel people didn't even read my criticism at the bottom! They thought I was agreeing that Israel is an apartheid state, and gave me upvotes!

This may work the same way! The casual reader will see "FREE PALESTINIANS!", and immediately assume that it means "Free Palestinians from the inhumane Israeli occupation!", or something like that!

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Anyone who actually understands what Apartheid was, and who created it, quickly understands that there is nothing anywhere in the Middle East that resembles it at all. Apartheid was created in South Africa by people who had openly supported the Nazis during WW2, and the ultimate goal was the stripping of citizenship from any South African who wasn't White and to confine them to small detached regions covering a minority of the country's land area. It was also applied to what is now Namibia, but nowhere else, not even in Rhodesia. Israel's tacit support for the Apartheid regime is a major stain on its history.

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Okay, but it's a common trope to say that Israel is an apartheid state now.

The "Israel is an apartheid state" accusation started with the Durban Conference in 2000. Which is really weird, because at the time 1) Ehud Barak had just negotiated terms for a Palestinian state with Arafat, and Arafat rejected the terms, and 2) the separation fence (which Israel's detractors call "the apartheid wall") wasn't built until around 2004, in the wake of the Second Intifada.

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