Many Israelis and Jews don't sufficiently appreciate the gravity of the fact that Israel is the only modern country since World War II that is long-term occupying a population without giving them citizenship rights. This is not a trivial thing, and it's easy to see why it's interpreted negatively by people around the world that don't understand the reality and difficulty of the situation.

There's plenty to discuss and debate about how and why the problem arose, whose fault it really is, and why it's difficult if not impossible to solve. Israel may be in an impossible situation, because if it were to unilaterally give Palestinians a state, that could likely destroy Israel, and if it were to give Palestinians Israeli citizenship that would end Israel as an ethnically Jewish state and a home for Jewish people.

But none of the above negates the extremity of the situation itself, which many people overlook, which is that Israel is the only modern democratic country occupying a population long-term with no real plan to end it. It's a serious problem that will fester and create negative dividends for years to come, in Palestinians and in the international population, if a creative solution is not somehow found.

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China has been occupying Tibet since 1950.

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Tibetans are Chinese citizens just like other Chinese. The land may be controlled by a government they don't like or agree with, but it's not a case of one group of people being under foreign control of another without citizenship rights. Israel and the Palestinians are the only sustained example of that since World War II.

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There is10s of millions of foreign nationals living in the United States. Many are from Mexico living in land that was forcibly stolen from Mexico by the United States. They are not citizens of the US and do not have voting rights.

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There is10s of millions of foreign nationals living in the United States. Many are from Mexico living in land that was forcibly stolen from Mexico by the United States. They are not citizens of the US and do not have voting rights.

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They are citizens of US.

They have voting rights.

They still own their property.

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Ethnic Greeks in Turkey.

Ethnic Turks in Greece.

Ethnic Germans in Czech Republic.

Ireland, both sides.

Russians in Lithuania and Latvia.

Poles in Konigsberg.

Russians in Ukraine, Georgia.

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One more time, none of these people are being denied citizenship and voting rights in the country that governs them and controls the territory they live in. There are many ethnic groups that live in countries with different majority ethnic groups. It's a completely different thing, and that's exactly what many people misunderstand and what I'm pointing out.

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I also see this as a non-starter. A sarcastic "Free Palestine" opener will get people to actually read it (instead of this, which they will immediately view as beyond acceptable) and maybe you'll be able to get your subversive message across.

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I think there's room for both!

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Honestly, I think I like "Free Palestine from Palestinian Oppression" better, with lines like "and from torture and from apartheid", etc. etc. For some reason, the "Free Israel..." sounds more defensive to me. I want to be more offensive. But, in general, I like the idea.

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The world loves victims more than aggressors, that is unless the aggressors are the "victims".....

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The free palestine mantra works because of it's Marxist appeal not because of catchiness - wealthy powerful white european overdog vs poor weak brown etc.. It checks too many boxes on the victimhood hierarchy. You'll never come up with a catchy pro Israel slogan.

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I blew it up on a 14'X48' billboard and put it up on my front lawn.

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After the fall of the Ottoman empire Britain and France divided the region into different states giving 99% to the Arabs and only Palestine to the Jews. If anything, palestinian arabs should be treated as greedy and selfish.

Just imagine for a second if it was the other way around and the entire region except for 1% was given to Jews and yet the Jews still fought to have that remaining 1%. The world would hate the greedy Jews and do whatever it could to fight for the palestinian arab right to just 1%.

So when palestinian arabs and the left that sides with them claim that either 1. the Jews of today arent the real jews of the bible or 2. Jews (with no connection to the Jews of the Bible) came from Europe and colonized Palestine in the late 1800s early 1900s stealing land from the palestinians its not only false its slanderous and reeks of antisemitism.

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Well, the problem is the brainless left who can't think, only emote.

They believe that because Israel has succeeded, they must be wrong; and because the Palestinians have failed, they must be right, and therefore need to be "freed", whatever that means.

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Sadly, a sound bite is worth a thousand facts. This is the predicament that we face. We have the facts but our ememies and their useful idiots have the catchy sound bites.

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I see this slogan as a non-starter.

1) It is clearly being ripped of the Free Palestine slogan and so will always we considered secondary. Think of how White Lives Matters is secondary to Black Lives Matters. To be primary, the slogan must be original

2) When the person said free Palestine on TV everyone know what he was talking about. Palestine doesn't have control and so needs to be free. When you say free isreal without any explanation attached, the reaction is one of puzzlement. But they already ARE free? A slogan must be understandable from the line alone. Of course it's a lot easier to say something is a bad idea than come up with a good idea...

Here are some possibilities to stimulate ideas.

Israel is Democratic!

Isreal is the Historical Jewish Homeland!

Isreal wants peace!

Palestine Is terror!

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Catchy slogans and cheap shots easily get media attention.

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