First of all, beautiful post.

Rabbi Slifkin, is it really true that you hold this belief that the other blog attributed to you yesterday?


And if it's true, how do you explain the concept of prayer? Don't we ask God for all sorts of things? Is it irrational to believe that He is capable or willing to grant those requests?

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It's not a discussion of my beliefs; it's a discussion of Rambam's beliefs. Pretty much all the commentaries/scholars on Rambam who were well-grounded in philosophy acknowledged that this was Rambam's view. See http://www.zootorah.com/RationalistJudaism/MAJBAAppendixRewardPunishment.pdf. Regarding Rambam's view on prayer, see Marvin Fox, Interpreting Maimonides.

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That entire excerpt from Kellner is amazing, the guy is so full of it

"All this said, it is the case that in not a few places, Maimonides speaks as if he accepted a traditionalist account of reward and punishment. Thus, in 'Laws of Repentance'...We have a number of choices here...The interpretation of Maimonides presented here follows from several other positions which Maimonides clearly holds. If we reject it...That is an unacceptable price to pay" 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

This guy's arrogance is unbelievable to behold. Thanks for reminding us of him, he will IYH be the source of much entertainment for us at Irrationalism Modoxism!

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Wow! What complete ignorance. Not only is this complete revisionism of the entire Torah, it's completely ignorant of the Rambam's own philosophy! Surely you know that this is the view that the Rambam attributes to Aristotle and says is heresy? The Rambam says that this is NOT the Torah view. He even says it in the famous letter to the sages of Montpellier that you love to take out of context.

I think we need to do a post about this.

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It's kefira, it doesn't matter that Kellner and other kofrim well grounded in philosophy "acknowledged" that it is the Rambam's view. The people well grounded in Judaism acknowledged that it is not the Rambam's view. If the Rambam really held it (ח"ו), he would be a kofer as well. The entire authority of the Rambam stems from his fealty to Judaism, otherwise he is no better than Augustine or any other knowledgable kofrim throughout the ages https://irrationalistmodoxism.substack.com/i/102879527/but-the-rambam-said-it

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Reallly if this was his real view why does the ramban understand him exactly LIKE Kellner, and call him out for it ??


I also have a feeling that the very first commenter on here was HGLP just trying to bait Natan. Good you didn’t fall for it .. Natan

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He does NOT understand him like Kellner at all. He writes explicitly that the Rambam agrees with s'char v'onesh (as is clear from the Rambam himself in many places.)

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Where does he say that?

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In Shaar Hagmul, where he discusses the Rambam's opinion of kares

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My blessing to her is, that she may be as modest as her great grandmother.

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Beautiful. When you read this, you wonder how we can remain such a contentious people. Our priority should be making peace among ourselves. Let's try and remember why we fast on Tzom Gedaliah.

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Kol hakavod! Thanks for sharing this.

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Truly beautiful. Amen! Am Yisrael Chai!

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amen, beautiful!

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Beautifully written. Very moving.

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Your Grandma Chava would be so proud of you. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

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Beautiful, simple style.

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Therefore why is the left scheduling a demonstration on erev Yom hatzmaoot.? Post Zionism at work to play down our pride in our country. The chaos makers.

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People work to improve the issues where their country is going wrong. In my day, I protested Vietnam. Should would-be changers suppress their views for the benefit of solidarity. Yes, that is why those in power usually label opponents as "trouble-makers."

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Yom hatzmaoot is a time for solidarity., Not protest and conflict. These "protests" are more political than constructive airing of views. The irresponsible leaders are trying to build up their votes for their party. With them there is no dialogue. Mainly slogans for and against, very little real discussion of the issues. It is demigoguery with lies, perverted logic and just plain hate. Good luck with that.

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The "game" of politics involves complicated strategies. All sides r forced to play it. Do not act naïve when u see it!

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Not on Yom Hatzmaoot the time for solidarity against an existential threat to the existence of the State of Israel. Improvements to the State do not warrant destruction of the State.

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"Generating publicity" is a genuine and effective strategy to get across your political point.

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She is one exception out of many thousands and comes from an unusual background. This cannot be reproduced on a national scale.

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Very touching. Sadder still is that after so much suffering in exile which has not ceased, she still has not been taught well enough where their strength comes from.

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Sure. I'd have thought that a religious girl would know that their strength comes from the One above and should be embarrassed to say "I don't know where they get their strength".

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What a lovely image of a fine lovely lady safeguarding her country from the surrounding evil.

May she be an inspiration to all the kollel kvetchers who will never reach her madrega.

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A beautiful post, very meaningful. May she continue to be a source of nachas for her parents and grandparents.

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