First of all, beautiful post.

Rabbi Slifkin, is it really true that you hold this belief that the other blog attributed to you yesterday?


And if it's true, how do you explain the concept of prayer? Don't we ask God for all sorts of things? Is it irrational to believe that He is capable or willing to grant those requests?

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My blessing to her is, that she may be as modest as her great grandmother.

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Beautiful. When you read this, you wonder how we can remain such a contentious people. Our priority should be making peace among ourselves. Let's try and remember why we fast on Tzom Gedaliah.

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Kol hakavod! Thanks for sharing this.

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Truly beautiful. Amen! Am Yisrael Chai!

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amen, beautiful!

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Beautifully written. Very moving.

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Your Grandma Chava would be so proud of you. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

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Beautiful, simple style.

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Therefore why is the left scheduling a demonstration on erev Yom hatzmaoot.? Post Zionism at work to play down our pride in our country. The chaos makers.

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She is one exception out of many thousands and comes from an unusual background. This cannot be reproduced on a national scale.

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Very touching. Sadder still is that after so much suffering in exile which has not ceased, she still has not been taught well enough where their strength comes from.

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What a lovely image of a fine lovely lady safeguarding her country from the surrounding evil.

May she be an inspiration to all the kollel kvetchers who will never reach her madrega.

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A beautiful post, very meaningful. May she continue to be a source of nachas for her parents and grandparents.

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