My neighbour Asaf Perry helped write the lyrics which are based on his post from November that went viral https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0dqUbdh3tkNeBX5BoJ2StsYkukTPCadGN3jBn5kscFNgFUfKzdPiF7w2F4Hx4PDBVl&id=100015793607753

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The woman at the end nonchalantly remotely locking her "vehicle" is awesome

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missed it the first time. my uncle told me to rewatch

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Mar 22Edited

Secular, non Torah abiding "Jews" are not what Israel needs right now or ever. Sure their Jewish but Judiasm isn't just about ancestry. You got to keep all the mitzvot too. Shabbat, tzniut, kashrut, etc.

Note the picture of a balded head, as if the command not to remove the peot harosh doesn't exist. Feh.

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This is parody, right? (I guess it will be hard to tell since your response could also be parody).

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Ah yes, the holy yarmulke, probably instituted 2000+ years into our history by the Christian’s but

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So thats why R Shlomo Zalman Aurbach and R. Gustman called those among this group who fell "kedoshim." every soldier who is fighting now, even the non-Jews are ready to die al kiddush hashem. Most of those currently sitting in charedi kollelim, who are very careful about all the chumros of the aachronei achronim dont come up to their ankles I dont know where you get your ideas about "Judasim," but they have no bais in the Torah of figures like the Besht, R. Yisroel Salanter or even the Chazon Ish. Publishing them is a chillul hashem as great as the kiddush hashem of our soldiers.

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Sorry Moshe, everything in your comment is mistaken. You have a lot of interesting ideas about Judaism, all of them wrong.

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לא נתנה תורה לבנדנות אלא לבניאדם

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ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ולא שושן

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correct. very improtant observation. I, and especially my kids, hate when people pronounce the name sasson, or shushan for that matter. but other than the fact that it is shushan purim, not sure what than has to do with anything. As an identifying human being, there is a limit to how seriously an internet handle with no identifying humna behind it. For all I know you are a sophsitcated AI bot. why should I care that you have declared me wrong?

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Ok, good point. But by the same token, why should chareidim care if you declared them wrong? They have the entire Torah and רוב בנין ומנין of gedolim supporting them, why should they care if some random modern orthodox guy named "moshe shoshan" makes silly insulting comments about them.

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Nice song if it was about about Ukraine, but this is not what Judaism is about and doesn't belong on a "Judaism" blog. Judaism is not about being secular "superheroes", but is about forging a connection with G-d through the Torah and Mitzvos. The bald head in the post image is the clincher. This is exactly why Zionism is so far from Judaism.

רד"ק על יהושע


וצוה הקב"ה לאבד הסוסים והרכב שהיו הגוים נלחמים בהם ובטחו ברכבם כי רב ולא ידעו כי שקר הסוס לתשועה וישראל בלא רכב וסוס נצחום והפילום חללים כי לה' התשועה לפיכך לא רצה האל יתברך שיבוזו ישראל להם הסוסים והמרכבות כדי שלא יבטחו בהם גם הם ויחשבו בלבם כי עם הסוסים יעשו המלחמות

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Interesting. Apparently, the mainstream yeshivish world disagrees with you, since ArtScroll just published a book about the heroism of Hatzalah workers.

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Yeah, that book is full of Hashem.

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You seem to be confusing non-Jews with tinokos shenishba. If you lot would stop trash burning, stone throwing, COVID breaking (ok that's not relevant any more), store burning etc, benefit stealing more tinokos shenishba might be attracted to torah u'mitzvos. And if you can't stop, at least do it in jeans and a T-shirt so all this chillul hashem won't be associated with those that claim to be chored al d'var hashem and of the highest levels of supposed observance. It's not just about a mehudar esrog, you know.

But I do agree this video has no connection with Judaism, it is applauding a secular state and does not belong in any orthodox home.

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Beautiful..... the rambam in igeres hashmad is unequivocally clear that anyone who does something meaningful no Matter how far it is counted and hashem gives schaar even a nin religious n ok n believing person

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This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us!

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That's a great song! So emotional. Lyrics very well written. Do you have the link to the AI version? Who made it?

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פורים שמח!

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This song should have a different name: Every Israeli "civilian" is a military target. Is this what they want to show?

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This video represents contemporary Zionism at or near its best. The music, while kind of pedestrian and saccharine, is at least vaguely tuneful and on real instruments and doesn't have the animalistic coarseness typical of most contemporary Israeli music. The lyrics, while obviously self-congratulatory, do describe people who are genuinely admirable. There are no arsim, which is always a mercy. If Israel actually looked like this (clean, tidy, people wearing normal human clothes, and no Likud voters), minus the appalling skyscrapers in the background, it would be a pretty great country. It's obviously better for everyone that secular Jews to be in Israel with some dignity rather than being neurotic commie subversives some other place.

But as many commentators have noticed, it is very obvious that Zionism and Judaism are just two completely different things. It is probably for the best to just accept this and keep it that way. Every attempt to combine Judaism and Zionism just ends in grotesque and/or pathetic failure. Zionists can have a half-decent nation state under trying conditions and Jews can respect them for that, and maybe help out here or there where possible. You don't have to hate everyone who is a different thing from you.

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actually it is becoming more and more obvious that contemporary chareidism and Judaism are two seperate things (This should not in any way be seen as an attack on figures like the chazon Ish and the Griz, who contemproary charedim claim as their sources of authority. They passed away long before their communites went off the derech.

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The Chazon Ish never took an TZ, and the Brisker Rov categorically forbade anyone to live on property that had been confiscated from an Arab, and these are just one out of thousands of examples of their total opposition to any merging of Judaism with Zionism. So it is certainly true that if they were alive today they would conclude that Charedim had basically gone OTD.

The civilized relationship the Chazon Ish proposed between observant Jews and the reality of the Zionist state remains the only decent path. The Brisker Rov thought it was impossible in practice that all Jews who live in EY were in some way guilty of Zionism. Perhaps he was right, but for Jews who do live in EY, there is no choice but to try to stick to the way of the Chazon Ish, even if they inevitably fail.

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I largely agree. The problem is that the CI was as an extremely sophisticated thinker and leader, who never set sytematicly set forth his ideas about how the charedi community should relate to the State. Even if he had, circumstance are so radically different today, for many reason, including a generation of R. Shach's leadership who was not a talmid of the CI, make it almost impossible to know how the CI would have evaluted the situatation today. Further, at the time, many if not most non-Zionist Orthodox jews inEY did not see themselves as talmidim of the CI. There were many other approaches, incluidng those of R. Isser Zalman, R. Zvi Pessach Frank and inthe next generation, R. Gustman and R. Shlom Zalman not mention the wide range of approaches of various admorim. The idea that choice is only between the Griz and the CI, is simply incorrect a product of an imagined charedi history which bears little resmblance to reality.

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Some of R. Zvi Pessach Frank's זצ''ל children went OTD and some became normal Charedim. Same goes for basically all of these models of engagement with Zionism. It just doesn't work. Time to stop flogging the dead horse.


I recently listened to this video which was causing the Hasbaroids to soyface all over the internet. I was predisposed to not like it, but, truth is, Lucy Aharish seems like a cool woman, and her Fauda husband seems like a cool guy. And, in general, the educated, respectable stratum of Israeli society they represent are alright. They're not going to win any prizes for contributions to world literature or the fine arts, but, y'know, they're OK. What's the point in fighting a constant acrimonious Kulturkampf with these people, on the same side as absolute freaks like Almog Cohen or Itamar Ben Gvir, because of some ridiculous pretence that this is a Jewish country? Just let these people be, and move on.

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I think we agree about a lot. how do recommend "moving on"?

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So in principle I believe the following:

1) The state of Israel belongs to secular Ashkenazim because (a) they fought for it and built it and (b) they are the only people presently available who can rule it without running it into to the ground.

2) Religious Jews do not recognise the legitimacy either of Zionism or Palestinian Nationalism, nor of the partition of the land of Israel, but this is not of immediate practical relevance because political rule of the land belongs to those who win it.

3) Religious Jews can live under Zionist rule, just like they can live under anyone else's rule. They can serve in the army too, if that's what they want to do.

4) Religious Jews should promote peace, to the extent that it is possible, for obvious reasons.

5) Religious Jews do not need any special justification to live in the land of Israel, not least because many of them were born there, but also because of the special value religious Jews place on living in EY. All shatnez ideologies, be they Kookian Zionism or whatever you want to call magic-kollel-theory that purportedly justify their presence are irrelevant and unhelpful. The Zionist regime, for its part, should treat religious Jews well and not interfere in their internal affairs, nor expect them to solve the issues they have with running a modern liberal state in a region principally populated by low IQ violent nutters. They should probably have thought about that in 1890.

6) Likud should be shut down, all of its members imprisoned, it's offices razed to the ground, the earth salted. And we can try and forget it ever happened.

But you probably wanted a realistic plan. I don't have one. Everything is going to get worse and worse. I'm just here to let off steam really.

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Where is the AI version available online?

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Hashem should awaken there souls to return to the Torah

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For people to live this way is tremendously meaningful..... hashem absolutely rewards them

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Don't you get it - that's the whole idea of the post!

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Why is there no mention of chareidim? Did I miss something?

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Don't you get it - that's the whole idea of the post!

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Why not? There are Charedim who serve in the IDF or national service relevant to the war. No specific group is mentioned in the song, but they are included like any other group as far as the song goes.

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They are a vanishingly small group, who do not reflect the way charedi society as whole wants to be represented. I dont think there were any soldiers who obviously Arab, a group that far outnumbers charedim inthe Army.

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Yeah but Charedim are not being excluded.

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excluded from what? Charedim are certainly not being excluded from the army. Many are saying now that they could be better accomodated, but that is not exclusion.

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From the song.

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The song itself didnt really identify the people by migzar. As for the AI visuals, I am not sure that Arabs were included either. But given that as a group Charedim refuse to serve on principle and the numbers in active miluim is so small, why should they expect to be included. I doubt it even occured to creators. Most people could go through a full army service and never encounter a charedi soldier. Chareidm do face discrimination in Israel. This is not a great example.

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Mar 22
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Maybe let the protestant evangelical ideology of creationism to trained apologists, and save yourself the embarassment of posting childish nonsense like this.

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Mar 22
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Leo, this is not a thread about evolution. You are welcome to read my book The Challenge of Creation, which you can buy at www.BMNH.org.il

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This thread should be shut down and deleted. people cant just hijack anypost to discuss other issues.

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Sorry I got carried away, didn't mean to be rude...

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Mar 22
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***I thought this was an open forum, is there someone up to the challenge to defend evolution?**

There are many, many folks that can defend evolution as the instrument that structured all life on Earth. You can Google hundreds of scientific disertations that scientifically explains the evolutionary process. And why you don’t need a God as a substitute for an evolutionary progression that populated the planet with millions of life forms.

But first I need to direct my pro-evolutionary argument to someone who truly understand the evolutionary mechanism, which you ignorantly do not.

As a final thought you might logically explain how the differences among the varieties of bodily features arose among the different races.

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Mar 22
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Your nose is different than your parents' noses. Our kids look different than we do.

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Mar 22
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That's a great song! Amazing lyrics. So emotional. I hadn't seen the Al version. Who made it? Do you have the link to the original?

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Oops, sorry, meant to write this in the main comment thread, not the hijacked one.

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R Natan, the video is great, but are you sure that elephants can't jump?

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no more than White men.

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Are you familiar with caterpillars and butterflies? To say nothing of the fact that we don't start out as tiny people and grow.

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catapillars cant jump either.

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