Mar 22Liked by Natan Slifkin

My neighbour Asaf Perry helped write the lyrics which are based on his post from November that went viral https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0dqUbdh3tkNeBX5BoJ2StsYkukTPCadGN3jBn5kscFNgFUfKzdPiF7w2F4Hx4PDBVl&id=100015793607753

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The woman at the end nonchalantly remotely locking her "vehicle" is awesome

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Secular, non Torah abiding "Jews" are not what Israel needs right now or ever. Sure their Jewish but Judiasm isn't just about ancestry. You got to keep all the mitzvot too. Shabbat, tzniut, kashrut, etc.

Note the picture of a balded head, as if the command not to remove the peot harosh doesn't exist. Feh.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Nice song if it was about about Ukraine, but this is not what Judaism is about and doesn't belong on a "Judaism" blog. Judaism is not about being secular "superheroes", but is about forging a connection with G-d through the Torah and Mitzvos. The bald head in the post image is the clincher. This is exactly why Zionism is so far from Judaism.

רד"ק על יהושע


וצוה הקב"ה לאבד הסוסים והרכב שהיו הגוים נלחמים בהם ובטחו ברכבם כי רב ולא ידעו כי שקר הסוס לתשועה וישראל בלא רכב וסוס נצחום והפילום חללים כי לה' התשועה לפיכך לא רצה האל יתברך שיבוזו ישראל להם הסוסים והמרכבות כדי שלא יבטחו בהם גם הם ויחשבו בלבם כי עם הסוסים יעשו המלחמות

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Beautiful..... the rambam in igeres hashmad is unequivocally clear that anyone who does something meaningful no Matter how far it is counted and hashem gives schaar even a nin religious n ok n believing person

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This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us!

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That's a great song! So emotional. Lyrics very well written. Do you have the link to the AI version? Who made it?

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פורים שמח!

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This song should have a different name: Every Israeli "civilian" is a military target. Is this what they want to show?

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(Banned)Mar 25·edited Mar 25

This video represents contemporary Zionism at or near its best. The music, while kind of pedestrian and saccharine, is at least vaguely tuneful and on real instruments and doesn't have the animalistic coarseness typical of most contemporary Israeli music. The lyrics, while obviously self-congratulatory, do describe people who are genuinely admirable. There are no arsim, which is always a mercy. If Israel actually looked like this (clean, tidy, people wearing normal human clothes, and no Likud voters), minus the appalling skyscrapers in the background, it would be a pretty great country. It's obviously better for everyone that secular Jews to be in Israel with some dignity rather than being neurotic commie subversives some other place.

But as many commentators have noticed, it is very obvious that Zionism and Judaism are just two completely different things. It is probably for the best to just accept this and keep it that way. Every attempt to combine Judaism and Zionism just ends in grotesque and/or pathetic failure. Zionists can have a half-decent nation state under trying conditions and Jews can respect them for that, and maybe help out here or there where possible. You don't have to hate everyone who is a different thing from you.

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Where is the AI version available online?

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Hashem should awaken there souls to return to the Torah

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For people to live this way is tremendously meaningful..... hashem absolutely rewards them

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Don't you get it - that's the whole idea of the post!

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Why is there no mention of chareidim? Did I miss something?

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Removed (Banned)Mar 22
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