you won't admit it but you hate orthodox rabbis bitterly. probably because of the bad things they said about you. i remember how you utterly destroyed rabbi nissan kaplan's reputation due to a statement he said which was taken out of context and spread to non-torah people who are incapable of understand him. you are the first who needs to apologize but i know your arrogance won't let you.

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interesting; I know personally the lawyer of Yeshivat Mir and Edah Haredit. According to my understanding, the jewish halahah deals with civil law, not criminal law. An offense of defamation, the purpose of which is to make it difficult for a person to function as a citizen of the country, is a criminal offense. There is no law in this area in the Halacha, therefore it is also impossible to sue someone in this matter in the Halacha. The claim that what cannot be sued in a halachic court is not included in the prohibitions at all is completely false. As for this, the Halacha recognizes the king's duty to enact laws for the benefit of the state. This includes a trial by judges who are not halachically certified, evidence that is not admissible in the law of the Torah, and punishments that according to the halachic law are forbidden to be given. In today's reality, the great rabbis of religious Zionism ruled that since Jews choose the leadership, it has the legal status of a king. See the Shutim on the subject of all the Zionist chief rabbis.

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Why are they claiming hes mother is a convert ?? As far as I understand they found this information in the archives of citizens in united states and they have this proof. If so however uncomfortable this may be if it's TRUE it's TRUE ?!?!

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1. This is a slander suit not a libel suit. The statements were verbal.

2. The criticism of Bennett, if he did not get permission, is valid as he is dati. This, however, may be mitigated by the fact that the judge will probably refer them to mediation.

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“I wanted to sue the rosh yeshivah that had libelled me. Alas, I discovered that there is no way to work around the fact that it just isn’t permissible according to Jewish law. It is a clear prohibition in the Shulchan Aruch, based on a Gemara, to resort to secular law rather than Torah law.”

To me, It seems inconsistent to believe that the State of Israel has halakhic significance for the Jewish people and repeatedly write how Haredim should serve in the IDF and support the local economy while at the same time shunning the established judicial system.

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A libel suit to support financially? Is this lawsuit being crowdfunded?

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