The Unholy Trinity

After discussing the dangerous, hateful rantings of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi and Rabbi Yaron Reuven, the topic should not be left without mentioning the third member of this unholy trinity: Rabbi Alon Anava. These three collaborate on various events and productions, and three-hour videos on YouTube. Like Mizrachi and Reuven, Anava has hundreds of hours of lectures, hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, and has distributed hundreds of thousands of CDs and DVDs. He's also on the faculty of a seminary for frum American girls in Tsefat.
Rabbi Alon Anava has some very interesting views.

He has a presentation on YouTube about the New World Order. In this video, Rabbi Anava explains that 9/11 was the work of a global conspiracy, led by the Rothschilds, the Clintons, and other puppet-masters. These secret groups have been functioning since time immemorial, using advanced technology - they built the pyramids to channel demons from the underworld. They are now trying to create a new World Order, which is also why they engineered the Covid pandemic (which makes people vulnerable to being zapped and incinerated by 5G). These figures secretly controlling the world are commonly known to be reptilians in human form, and that's because they are an incarnation of the Primeval Serpent.
Rabbi Anava also explains that the Vatican is connected to this Secret World Order, and they are more evil than you can possibly imagine. The Vatican is secretly a Devil-worshiping cult which sacrifices children. They even arrange with the Israeli Government (because they are also all puppets, controlled by the secret Cabal) to sacrifice children to the Devil in Israel.
Imagine that - a Jew spreading a blood libel against Christians!
I know. It sounds unbelievable that anyone could say such things, or that people would believe it. But you can watch it yourself on YouTube. (I didn't have patience to listen to more than a few minutes of his craziness - the video is three hours long!)
Now, you might be thinking, "Okay, Mizrachi and Reuven are crazy, but this guy is completely off-the-charts insane! How on earth would they associate with him?"
The answer is that Mizrachi and Reuven are also detached from reality. Mizrachi believes that stage magicians are actually performing real magic, and claims that Covid can be cured by firing a hot hair dryer down your throat! And Reuven believes that plants are intelligent, understand English, and get offended if we insult them!

It's a mistake to dismiss all this as harmless nonsense. Such anti-scientific, conspiratorial thinking leads to people acting dangerously with regard to pandemics and vaccinations. And when it's coupled to blood libels - whether it's Anava claiming that the Vatican conspires with Israel to sacrifice children, or Reuven claiming that the Jews really did destroy Germany with greed and perversion - there's no knowing what effects it can unleash. Not to mention Mizrachi and Reuven's endless talk about the violent deaths which heretical rabbis deserve. And these three rabbis have disciples who are even crazier than them - I received hate mail from one of them, who labels himself a "Radical Torah Supremacist," and posts YouTube videos about the evils of heretical Jews and Christians.
I don't believe that such dangerous nonsense should be tolerated.
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