The Chanukah Measles Song
(I have no idea who wrote this. To be sung to the tune of Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel)
I have a little Yingel

With rash and eye discharge
I thought that it was nothing
But my doctor made it large
He said your kid has measles
Why didn't you give shots?
I told him it's baloney
An evil doctors' plot
Measles, measles, measles
I will not immunize
So what if my neighbors' kids
All have pus in their eyes
My son was exposed to measles
They said don't send to school
I just put him on the bus
Do they think I'm a fool?
Board of Health says no school
Not one of them is Frum
I just sent him anyway
How dare you say it's Krum!
Chorus: Measles, measles, measles...
They said immunize your kids
I answer with contempt
Don't bother me with that Shtus
I'm religiously exempt
I sent the school a health form
I said he's immunized
When they have an outbreak
They sure will be surprised
Chorus: Measles, measles, measles...
I just don't get some people
Who are religious weasels
Who use their "quote" Frumkeit
To immunize for measles
I want to visit Bubby
Why should I go alone?
I'll take my little tzadikÂ
And expose the nursing home
Chorus: Measles, measles, measles...
Sit down at the table
The family will eat hearty
As you spread your measles
At the family Chanukah party
Be a real good person
Do not be a miser
Give your friends and family
Rashes and coryza
Chorus: Measles, measles, measles...