Special Book Sale - One Day Only!
I am doing an inventory clearance in New York and I can offer some of my books at great prices with FREE delivery! (US only!). To get the books at these prices, orders MUST be received by Sunday evening:
The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom - $40 (Regular price $50)
The Challenge of Creation - $30 (Regular $35)
Sacred Monsters - $25 (Regular $30)
SPECIAL DEAL: Buy all three books for just $80!
To order, please use the "send money" feature on PayPal to send the money to zoorabbi@zootorah.com, and email me with details of which books you want and the mailing address. Offer valid while stock lasts
Discounts also available for multiple books of the same title - please contact me for details. You can get a supply of bar-mitzvah presents!