Purim Highlights
I hope that you all had a great Purim! Mine was terrific. I was very impressed at the creativity of some costumes that I saw. One yeshivah guy who came collecting was dressed as the famous chassidic legend "Chayah Suri," although he didn't have a schvimgleide. I had two friends from the Mir come to my seudah, one dressed as a Hellenist (complete with myrtle-wreath-hat and toga), and the other as an interfaith minister, complete with a genuine certificate of ordination! Personally, I shaved my beard, put on a wig and beret, and wore very elegant frilly clothing for my costume as a famous rabbinic figure - Ramchal.
One reader sent me the following pictures of his Rambam costume. He really looks authentic! Note the books that he is holding. If any readers have good pictures to send in, I'll add them to this post.