A Post-Rosh HaShanah Miscellany
1. I used the new Koren-Sacks machzor this Rosh HaShanah. It was fantastic! Aside from the unique layout of the Hebrew, which gives new feeling to the tefillos, Rabbi Sacks' commentary is outstanding. Even those who are cynical in their outlook ought to find it inspirational. And for an especially interesting contrast with the ArtScroll machzor (which, in its own way, is also an excellent work, and served me well for many years), compare the respective commentaries to u'nesaneh tokef. He doesn't need me to say it, but Rabbi Sacks is one of the most important, valuable, influential and successful rabbinic figures of our time.
2. Here are two extraordinary photos that came my way, the first from here and the second from here. Make of them what you will. I am a little confused by the reference to life on other planets in the first picture. In the second picture, aside from the absurdity of the product, the price seems rather high!
3. Apologies for the delay in posting this last week. I wish all my readers a belated shanah tovah and a gemar chasimah tovah. I have a lot of interesting material that I plan to post about this year, so keep checking this website, or subscribe via email or RSS feed!
4. I was fiddling around with the template for this blog. I don't like what I ended up with, but I can't figure out how to get it back to what it was before. If anyone can help, please do!