After leaving Florida earlier this week, I visited Cincinnatti. Aside from speaking at the shul, I visited two extraordinary places: the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, which present extreme Christian anti-modern-science approaches to Bereishis and Noach. I have a lot of swirling ideas and thoughts about these places, and how they compare to Orthodox Jewish approaches to these topics, which I’ll be writing about over the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, I arrived in New York. This Shabbos I’m speaking at Beth Sholom in Lawrence, and Sunday evening I’ll be speaking in Teaneck:
I’m available for private meetings with museum supporters in Lawrence on Motzai Shabbos and in Teaneck on Sunday. (And also for a meeting with whichever person is able to drive me from Lawrence to Teaneck on Sunday! If that’s you, please be in touch)
As an aside, someone in Teaneck has an eight-foot hammerhead shark (not alive) to donate to the Biblical Museum of Natural History, but it would be quite challenging to get it there. If you are making a lift (shipment) to Israel and have room for it, please let me know! I also have some much smaller and simpler museum items to put on a lift, if anyone has room.
You forgot the water bottle.
I would love if you would speak in Lakewood! Probably never gonna happen though.