Lethal Anti-Rationalism
Previously, I argued that to the extent that the charedi community ignores Covid precautions, it is primarily because they see them as an external attack on Judaism. But more and more, I am beginning to think that another factor, which I had previously not believed could really exist to any significant degree, is actually very significant.
A friend of mine in New York told me about how a certain frum woman is pregnant and on a ventilator with Covid. Her friends, deeply concerned about her health, decided that, as a merit for her recovery, they would bake and separate challah. Which they did - all together. Thereby creating a situation whereby if one of them was carrying Covid, they would all likely be infected.
It increasingly seems evident that rationalism and scientific thought is so foreign to many people in that community, that they just don't see a connection between neglecting precautions and contracting Covid. (Or, perhaps their anti-rationalism makes it easier for them to choose to ignore the connection.) If someone gets sick and dies, it's because Hashem wanted it to happen, and it has nothing to do with any allegedly irresponsible actions taken by people in the community.
In the past, I've been very tolerant of non-rationalist approaches, seeing them as psychologically very beneficial for people. But this is a situation in which they can be deadly.