July/ August Programs
I will be visiting the US for July/ early August and am available for lectures, zoo tours, etc. If you are interested in arranging a program for your shul/ organization/ community, please write to me at zoorabbi@zootorah.com (don't write to me via the comments). Here is a list of my most popular lecture topics, and you can download a flyer here.
• The Animal Kingdom in Jewish Thought (with multimedia)
• Man and Beast: Our Relationship with the Animal Kingdom
• The Challenge of Dinosaurs (with multimedia)
• Untangling Evolution
• Sacred Monsters: Mythical Creatures of the Midrash (with multimedia)
• Shaking the Heavens: Rabbinic Responses to Astronomical Revolutions
• One People, Two Worlds: Rationalists versus Mystics
• The Dynamics of Controversy: The Making of a Ban
I'd appreciate any help that people can offer in setting up engagements.