I. Iyun Tour II. Coming to America!
Tomorrow (Thursday) morning, at 10:30am, there is an extra-special in-depth tour of the Biblical Museum of Natural History! At two and a half hours, this tour is twice the length of a normal tour, which will give you an opportunity to learn about the exhibits much more thoroughly. If you'd like to sign up, write to office@biblicalnaturalhistory.org. This is a rare opportunity for a richly rewarding educational experience!
Next week, b'ezrat Hashem, I am coming to America. I will be speaking next Shabbos at Sephardic Institute in Flatbush, and I am making a presentation about the museum (and other aspects of my work) at parlor meetings in Flatbush, Bergenfield, and Woodmere, after which I will be travelling to Los Angeles. If you would like to attend any of the parlor meetings, please write to me for an invitation.
(I am also looking for rides between these places - if anyone can help me out, please let me know!)