Have Your Futile Arguments About Evolution Right Here!
(Don't miss the newsflash at the end of this post!)

Arguments about evolution are almost always a waste of time. For starters, they are often unfocused, with one person talking about common ancestry and the other talking about evolutionary mechanisms. Then there's the problem that opponents in such debates usually have fundamentally different epistemologies. Furthermore, for virtually all anti-evolutionists, it's not really a scientific matter - their fundamental motivations are due to religious sentiments or societal identification.
But how people love to argue about it! The previous post was about classical views on the origins of domestic animals, yet people kept on trying to have arguments about evolution. I had to prevent a lot of comments from being posted, because I don't like it when comment threads spiral off-topic. But I felt bad, because people so clearly wanted to argue about evolution. And so this is a special blog post, on which you can submit comments with arguments for or against evolution, to your heart's delight! Have fun!
NEWSFLASH: I'm on my way to Los Angeles and New York, for two weeks of lecturing and fundraising for various projects. It will be difficult for me to post anything, and so I've recruited someone who will be filling in for me at Rationalist Judaism, publishing a fascinating and important series of posts. Incidentally, if anyone is able to give me a ride from Lawrence to Manhattan on Sunday morning of Jan. 26th (and you can attend a multimedia presentation on dinosaurs at LSS), or from Lawrence to Teaneck (or somewhere close) on the morning of Tuesday Jan. 28th, please be in touch!