Forget Ye and Fuentes, We Have Our Own Hitler Enthusiast
People are rightly up in arms about Kanye West's enthusiasm for Hitler and Trump's refusal to denounce Fuentes. The actions of both West and Trump will lead to a massive upsurge in antisemitism. Their many fans - many of whom have probably never even heard of Hitler - will start looking into who Hitler was and decide that their loyalty to their heroes means supporting their positions.
But do you know what's even more painful and damaging? That when their fans start to look into whether Hitler was really the bad guy that the mainstream media insist he was, they'll be shown a video saying that Hitler was right about the Jews. And it's a video produced by an Orthodox Rabbi.
Yes, it's Rabbi Yaron Reuven's notorious Hitler video, in which he claims that the Jews in Germany really were destroying society and thus Hitler was justified in hating them. Reuven falsely insists that the morally degenerate clubs of Berlin "were all run by Jewish people" and that it's "absolutely true history" that the Jews destroyed the German economy with their financial greed. Of course this is utterly false, but when a bearded Orthodox rabbi insists that it's true, it's the ultimate vindication for antisemites.
When I originally drew attention to this, Reuven responded with glee. He claimed that it was a good thing that antisemites see that Jews are willing to call out problems in their own society. But while it is definitely true that we should be calling out problems ourselves rather than leaving it others to do so, that is not what Reuven did! He fabricated Jewish crimes. Rather than exposing the hatred and lies of antisemitism, he actively gave it false legitimacy.
In the past I've pointed out how various antisemites have used Reuven's video to justify their claims about the Jews. And now the latest Ye/ Trump fiasco has breathed new life into it. I received a new video in which someone points to Reuven's speech and, not unreasonably, asks why he isn't allowed to say that which rabbis themselves say.
As I've said before, there's nothing that can be done to repair the incalculable terrible damage to our nation that Yaron Reuven has wrought. It's too late.
But we have to stop him from causing any more.
Yaron Reuven's YouTube and Facebook videos and accounts must be removed for spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and inciting hatred and violence. He needs to be ousted from the Rabbinical Alliance of America (of which he proudly declares membership and legitimacy). He needs to be denounced, defrocked and condemned. We need to send a strong message to future would-be Reuvens that this behavior will have consequences.
You can reach the Rabbinical Alliance of America at Rabbi@Igud.US, 1-833-RAA-IGUD or by completing the form at this page. And if anyone has any influence with the Sefardic rabbis from whom Reuven received endorsements or other Sefardic rabbis of prestige, please speak to them.