Controversial "Black Dome" Units Desert Posts

Did any of you see the news reports about the Israeli units that deserted their posts?
From Yeshivishe Velt News:
"While the "Iron Dome" units have proved universally effective and popular, the "Black Dome" units have been a source of controversy from the outset. Those soldiers staffing the Black Dome units insist that they are as least as essential to Israel's security as the Iron Dome units, if not more so. They claim that those manning Black Dome units do not need protection, and that they extend their protective shield to those around them. But others have expressed doubt as to their efficacy. The very nature of the protective effect of the Black Dome units remains nebulous, and scant precedent for implementing such a notion can be found; claims regarding such precedents invariably turn out to be misrepresentations or otherwise inapplicable to present circumstances.
"Lately, the controversy regarding the Black Dome units has taken a new twist. Following orders from the Black Dome commander, the soldiers manning the Black Dome units have abandoned their posts in the south of Israel. Contrary to their declared ethos, they apparently believe that Black Dome units do indeed require protection. They fled to safer places such as Bnei Brak and Modiin Illit, where they would not be bothered by the rockets fired by Hamas. Here, their leaders claimed that the Black Dome units would render these towns safe from harm. But it remains unclear why such protective power would not be given to the places that need it most - especially since the excuse given as to why Black Dome forces do not join the regular IDF units is that they are providing a more important form of protection.
"Meanwhile, the "White Dome" units - comprised of people who will later be staffing regular IDF forces - remain in the South, providing moral and spiritual support to the beleaguered residents."