An Awesome Video Shiur

If you have 17 minutes of your life to waste, there is an awesome new video shiur to watch. Set to thundering music and eye-popping visuals, it features Rabbis Yosef Mizrachi and Yaron Reuven explaining why the great sufferings of our era, including the tragic deaths of innocent children, are the fault of the entire Jewish nation. Their sin? Not fighting zealously enough against fourteen wicked infidels, including Lord Rabbi Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Britain Ephraim Mirvis, my friends Rabbi Daniel Korobkin of Toronto and Rabbi Efrem Goldberg of Boca Raton, and yours truly! Packed with Oscar-worthy special effects, the video also features guest appearances from Thor and some Kryptonian spaceships! You can watch it on YouTube at this link:

(The video is tremendously entertaining; but the comments which appear on it, from their followers, are truly tragic.)